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Apps to Use After a Brain Injury

Person putting their finger on a smartphone screen

After sustaining a traumatic brain injury, you may be wondering what additional things you can do to aid your recovery. Surprisingly, there are a few apps available that can help you with doing so. This blog post will highlight some of the most helpful apps for people with brain injuries, but remember, it is important to consult with your doctor before using your phone.

Best Apps

Numerous apps can surprisingly help people recover from traumatic brain injury. One of the most popular is called Constant Therapy. This app is designed to help people work on speech, language, and cognitive therapy for those with neurological disorders caused by brain injuries or stroke.

Elevate is another app that uses training exercises and games to improve speech, processing speed, and productivity. What we love about this app is that you can track your improvement as you go.

Another great option similar to Elevate is CogniFit Brain Fitness. This app helps users improve cognitive function through games and exercises. The games are designed to challenge different cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.

All of these apps are available on the app store. There are also many other options available, so be sure to explore and find the one that best suits your needs. With a little effort, you can find an app that will help you recover from traumatic brain injury and get back to living your life.

Brain Injury Attorneys

Traumatic brain injuries can have a profound and lasting impact on every aspect of a person's life. If you or a loved one has suffered from a traumatic brain injury, you know how overwhelming and confusing the legal process can be.

The good news is that you don't have to go through it alone. Our traumatic brain injury attorneys have tremendous experience in this field, and we are here to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact our legal team at (855) 757-4204 or visit our website to get started on a consultation request form.
