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How Common Is Daycare Abuse?

Children at day care center doing arts and crafts

You trust daycares to be there for your children when you can’t. These are hired professionals, and you expect your child to be safe whenever you take them there. Unfortunately, daycare abuse is a far more common problem than you may think, putting countless children at risk every single year.

As a parent, you should recognize just how common this is and recognize signs of abuse. You should also know your rights, even if you were once a victim of child abuse in a daycare.

Daycare Abuse Stats

Child abuse in daycares is one of the biggest problems. Thousands of reports of daycare abuse come in each year. Over 50% of the reports involve females, but the numbers are relatively equal in terms of demographics. Unfortunately, the most common age group that suffers from abuse are children from 0 to 3 years old.

It can be difficult to recognize daycare abuse when children are younger. However, you can still look for some of the same signs, including changes in behavior, unusual interest in sexual things, and fear or anxiety. If your child doesn’t want to go to daycare, but they won’t tell you why, that could be another indication of daycare abuse.

What to Do If You Suffer Abuse

Even as an adult, if you are a survivor of daycare abuse, you have rights. Under North Carolina’s SAFE Child Act, you can pursue justice even if the previous statute of limitations has passed. If your child has suffered abuse in a daycare, you can work with a lawyer to hold the daycare accountable.

Company liability may play a factor if the owner of the daycare did not take steps to prevent the abuse from occurring.

At Lanier Law Group, P.A., we stand by your side. Our North Carolina abuse attorneys work to provide you with high-level legal representation to safeguard your rights. Trust that we will stand in your corner and put your needs first every step of the way. We’re here as your beacon of hope.

Call our firm at (855) 757-4204 today.

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