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Pro-gun Groups Condemn Lawsuit Challenging University of Texas Campus Carry Policy

A lawsuit has been filed by three University of Texas professors who want to prohibit students from carrying concealed handguns into their classrooms. The State Attorney General and pro-gun groups are calling the lawsuit “baseless” and “an insult to the millions of law abiding gun owners in Texas and across the country.”

The three faculty members are seeking to have the option of maintaining their classrooms as gun-free zones. Under a state law passed last year, people who have handgun licenses are allowed to possess concealed handguns in classrooms beginning on August 1st.

When the President of the University of Texas announced the campus carry policies in February, he said he didn’t believe handguns belong on a university campus but felt he must uphold the law. The new law blocks public university policies that would prohibit concealed handguns.

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