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College Hazing Poses Significant Risks to North Carolina Students

When a teenager departs for college, his or her parents often worry about their child’s academic future and whether he or she will make smart social decisions. One thing no parent should ever have to worry about is their child being injured or killed by people who claim to be their friends.

Unfortunately, it is the sad truth that college fraternities and other groups often impose a rigorous initiation process on their new recruits. These practices, known as hazing, may range from minor pranks to serious and dangerous assaults. Common hazing rituals include assault, excessive drinking or eating, and even sexual violence.

Since 1970, at least one college student has died every year as a result of these hazing practices. Dozens of others are injured, both physically and mentally, due to the harmful acts they are required to perform to gain entrance into their chosen group.

Hazing is illegal in 44 states, including North Carolina, and most universities have policies against the practice. Nonetheless, the practice continues in states such as North Carolina, where fraternities and sororities make up a large part of students’ social lives. In 2012, a North Carolina college freshman was beaten to death during a hazing ritual that went wrong.

Though some social groups that practice hazing are punished for their misdeeds, others are not due to students’ reluctance to report the crimes. These groups continue to dole out abuse to their new members and far too many individuals have been severely injured or killed as a result.

If you or your child has been injured due to hazing practices, you may have a number of options. Contact a knowledgeable North Carolina personal injury attorney with the Lanier Law Group.

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