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Oil Spill Caused by Operator Under the Influence of Prescription Drugs

An oil spill caused by a container ship in 2007 is now being blamed on the use of prescription drugs. The owners of the container ship are suing the pharmacist, whom they say was negligent, in dispensing certain prescription drugs to the pilot of the ship. Regal Stone Ship Ltd., along with the vessel's operating company Fleet Management Ltd., has filed a joint suit against a drug store in Petaluma, California. The companies claim that the pharmacist gave the pilot drugs that impaired his judgment and prevented him from acting quickly enough to prevent an accident.

The tanker collided with the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and spilled 50,000 gallons of oil into the waterway. In addition to the millions of dollars it took to clean up the spill, 2,400 birds lost their lives after becoming stuck in the oil. The companies were forced to pay out $4.4 million in damages to several state and federal agencies, as well as $3.6 million to members of the Bay Area fishing community.

Did you incur extensive property damage due to another person's negligence? If so, you may be allowed to file a personal injury claim to seek compensation for your expenses. To learn more, contact the Lanier Law Group, P.A. to consult a North Carolina personal injury attorney from our firm.

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