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Elder Abuse Statistics May Not Be Accurate

While it is known that nursing home abuse does exist, statistics showing exact levels of abuse nationwide are unreliable. This is due to a variety of factors that state and local governments are working to change.

The National Center on Elder Abuse estimates that 1 to 2 million Americans over the age of 65 have experienced some form of elder abuse. While the definition of elder abuse and nursing home abuse can vary between states and even cities, this figure is not exact and could actually be much higher.

The NCEA believes that as many as 1 in 14 cases of elder abuse go unreported to the authorities. Not all abuse is physical the NCEA is quick to point out. Nearly 1 in 25 cases of financial abuse also go unreported. Federal data about national nursing home abuse is still limited but the database is slowly growing. As more people become aware of nursing abuse and the avenues they can take to report and prevent it, the better care the elderly can receive in the long-run.

If you have been a victim of nursing home negligence and/or abuse, learn what legal options you have by contacting the Lanier Law Group, P.A. to enlist the help of a North Carolina personal injury lawyer.

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