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Elder Abuse Reported at Nursing Home

When you place your loved one in a nursing home, you expect that the best care will be provided. Sadly, that is not always the case. Each year there are dozens of nursing home negligence cases that involve the abuse of our elderly.

Such is the case of a 93-year-old woman who was allegedly assaulted by a former nursing home assistant. Once her family suspected that something was amiss at the nursing home, police investigated the mysterious bruises that had appeared on the senior citizen's body. During investigations, the officers learned the bruises were a result of abuse form her regular nurse, a 38-year-old woman.

After speaking with the woman, she finally admitted to having struck the elderly woman three times in the head, which left a large bruise. This was later confirmed when a social worker came forward to reveal what the patient had told her. She stated that the assistant often hit the woman's head up to several times per day.

If you suspect nursing home negligence or abuse, know that you can put an end to this poor treatment by enlisting the services of a North Carolina personal injury lawyer from our firm. To get our team involved in your case, contact the Lanier Law Group, P.A. now.

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